
  1. Please describe your target population ________________________________


  2. From the following list of descriptors, select the categories which best describe your current learner population and give estimated percentage of learners in the selected categories.

_____ general adult population
_____ employees at a workplace site
_____ immigrants (ESL learners)
_____ natives
_____ street kids
_____ youth drop-outs
_____ other (specify below)

_____ low-income adults
_____ ex-offenders
_____ inmates
_____ physically disabled
_____ mentally disabled
_____ learning disabled


How many learners from the last program year:

  1. are continuing in the program?
  2. met their goals and left the program?
  3. left the program because of changed situation or obstacles (e.g. health, move, job, child care, etc.)?
  4. left because program not meeting their needs?
  5. left program - reasons not known?

Total learners in last program years (a to e)









  1. Indicate total program budget for current year: __________________________
  2. Indicate major funding source(s): ____________________________________

  3. Is funding assured on a regular basis?  ___ Yes ___ No
  4. If no, is next program funding assured? ___ Yes ___ No ___ Don't Know