1. Name of Program: ____________________________________________________

2. Date of this evaluation: _______________________________________________

3. Length of time in this program: _________________________________________

4. How did you find out about this program? _________________________________


5. Please check the category (or categories) which best fits (fit) your position in the program:

  1. one-to-one tutoring in matched pair (s)
  2. one-to-one tutoring on drop-in basis
  3. tutoring a small group of learners
  4. other (specify) ___________________________________________________





6. How many learners do you currently tutor? ________________________________

7. Where do you tutor? __________________________________________________

8. How many hours a week do you spend:

  1. in preparation for your tutoring session
  2. in tutoring
  3. in travelling - if significant

_____ Hours

_____ Hours

_____ Hours