A quality adult literacy program offers tutors a comprehensive training program which is presented using a variety of instructional techniques and group formats.

a) In the list below, please check the topics or elements which were included in your training program.

Tutor training program included:

  1. _____ history of and need for the local program;
  2. _____ the literacy situation elsewhere (province, Canada, etc.);
  3. _____ definitions of literacy;
  4. _____ program's philosophy or mission statement;
  5. _____ program's goals for current year;
  6. _____ program's expectations of volunteer tutors;
  7. _____ available resources and support services;
  8. _____ characteristics of adult learners;
  9. _____ how adults learn;
  10. _____ ethics of the tutoring relationship;
  11. _____ current knowledge about reading and writing processes based on research literature and practice;
  12. _____ use of different instructional strategies and techniques related to adult differences in needs, experience, interests and learning styles;
  13. _____ how to plan tutoring sessions;
  14. _____ how to check on learners' progress and evaluate learning;
  15. _____ how to use and/or create instructional materials or other materials (e.g. learners' writing);
  16. _____ supervised initial tutoring experiences;
  17. _____ training presented using a variety of techniques and formats which encouraged active participation of tutors.

Other (specify)

  1. _____ ________________________________________________________

b) How would you rate the overall quality of the training you have received? Please circle the appropriate number on the scale below.

graphic - a scale from 1 to 5

c) Which of the numbered items in checklist (a) above do you feel need to be improved? (Please make any additional relevant comments or suggestions below or on the back of this sheet.)

