A quality adult literacy program provides a broad range of support services for its volunteer tutors.

a) In the list below, please check the conditions which apply to your program.

Support services for volunteer tutors include:

  1. _____ initial interview with program coordinator;
  2. _____ orientation to program;
  3. _____ initial training period;
  4. _____ thoughtful matching with learner(s);
  5. _____ in-service training events - essential;
  6. _____ in-service training events - optional;
  7. _____ ongoing support and monitoring provided by program staff;
  8. _____ available supplies and instructional materials;
  9. _____ resource centre of materials and journals for tutors to browse and or borrow;
  10. _____ recognition events for tutors;
  11. _____ newsletters for tutors;
  12. _____ other networking activities - "buddy system" e.g. pairing of experienced and inexperienced tutors or pairing of new tutors;
  13. _____ financial help, if required, for transportation;
  14. _____ financial help, if required, for babysitting or child care.

b) How would you rate the overall quality of the training you have received? Please circle the appropriate number on the scale below.

graphic - a scale from 1 to 5

c) Which of the numbered items in checklist (a) above do you feel need to be improved? (Please make any additional relevant comments or suggestions below or on the back of this sheet.)

