A quality adult literacy program encourages the participation of learners and volunteers in as many different aspects of the program as possible consistent with its philosophy.

a) In the list below, please check the conditions which apply to your program.

  1. _____ Volunteers participate in program planning and review processes.
  2. _____ Tutors and other program volunteers are represented on program's Board of Directors or Advisory Committee, if in existence.
  3. _____ Tutors participate in committee structures, if in existence.
  4. _____ Tutors and other program volunteers are involved in community awareness activities for the program.
  5. _____ Former or current experienced tutors participate in tutor training events as resource people.
  6. _____ Tutors are involved in other program activities such as:

    1. _____ recognition and/or social events,
    2. _____ writing and/or producing materials,
    3. _____ newsletter production.
  7. _____ Learners are involved in above activities (specify numbers).


b) How would you rate the overall quality of the training you have received? Please circle the appropriate number on the scale below.

graphic - a scale from 1 to 5

c) Which of the numbered items in checklist (a) above do you feel need to be improved? (Please make any additional relevant comments or suggestions below or on the back of this sheet.)

