
Using magazines would be a lot like using newspapers. Magazines have many pictures and advertising that could help generate writing ideas. They have opinion columns that could be used, longer stories that might be useful for a more advanced reader. You can choose almost any exercise from the newspaper section and adapt it for magazines.


Cartoons can also be used for learning literacy skills. You can find cartoons in newspapers (strip and editorial cartoons), in magazines, in books, comics, etc.

Exercise 1

  1. The tutor will find a cartoon strip and cut out the words. Discuss what you think is happening in the cartoon. Number each box. For each number write a part of a conversation using the WRITE program. Look back at the original words and compare them to the new ones you made up.

  2. Find an editorial cartoon that interests you. Write down your ideas about what makes the cartoon funny. Finally, write down the issue you think the cartoon is about.

  3. Choose a cartoon. Describe what is happening in each part of the cartoon. Write down what you think would happen in the "next" frame.

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