Lifelong Learning and
Interpersonal Skills
Suggested Resources
- Advanced Education and Employment, Government of Saskatchewan. (2006, July). Adult
basic education level three: (Adult 10) life/work studies curriculum guide. Regina, SK: Author.
Retrieved August 17, 2006, from
- Akiwenzie-Damm, K., & Halonen, D. (1997). Empowering the spirit: Native literacy curriculum.
Owen Sound, ON: Ningwakwe Clearing House.
- Alaska Department of Education and Early Development. (n.d.). Skills for a healthy life.
Alaska contents standards. Retrieved August 4, 2006, from
- ARIS, Language Australia. (2001, January). Certificates in General Education for Adults. Available
from Australian Government, Department of Education, Science, and Training,
- British Columbia Ministry of Advanced Education, Training and Technology. (1990). Native
literacy and life skills curriculum guidelines: A resource book for adult basic education.
Richmond, BC: Author.
- Chapman, A. (1995-2006). Businessballs free organizational and personal development. Retrieved September 13, 2006, from
- Conference Board of Canada.(2006). Employability skills 2000+. Ottawa, ON: Author.
Retrieved August 28, 2006, from
- Hache, L., Redekopp, D., & Jarvis, P. (2000). Blueprint for life/work designs. Memramcook, NB:
National Life/Work Centre.
- Horsman, Jenny. (2001). Drawing the line: Dealing with affective issues in literacy. Saskatoon, SK:
Saskatchewan Literacy Network. Available from Saskatchewan Literacy Network,
- Horsman, Jenny. (2000). Moving forward: Approaches and activities to support women's learning
(working draft). Toronto, ON: Parkdale Project Read.
- Delors, J. (1996). Learning, the treasure within. Report to UNESCO of the International
Commission on Education for the Twenty-First Century. Paris: UNESCO.