- Identify your personal interests and personal style.
- What words would you use to describe yourself? patient? energetic?
- How would others describe you?
- What do you like to do in your spare time?
- What classes or clubs do you attend or teach that show your personal
- There are many ways to enhance your parenting, life and work skills.
- Seek advice from an Elder in your community on traditional parenting
- Manage personal finances.
- Be a critical consumer.
- Develop computer knowledge and identify technology resources in the
community (e.g., many libraries have public computers).
- Learn job search and interview skills.
- Participate in professional development activities at work.
- Develop time management skills.
- Share parenting stories with other parents and grandparents.
- Learn about your rights as an apartment tenant or worker.
- There are many activities that can help to address discrimination and prejudice.
- Learn what is meant by racism, sexism, ageism, sexual prejudice, etc.
- Participate in discussions with family and community members about
racism, sexism, ageism, sexual prejudice, etc.
- Participate in demonstrations, sign petitions, or give speeches about
honouring diversity.
- Show through your actions and words that you value people of other
cultures, abilities, and orientations.
- Praise people who care for and respect others.
- Become friends and acquaintances with a wide variety of people.
- Construct a personal learning plan to explore and perhaps resolve personal
biases and prejudices. You may want to explore the following questions:
- What assumptions do I have from the past?
- What assumptions have I learned from others?
- What assumptions have I made on my own?
- Which of these assumptions are still valid? Why?
- Which assumptions are no longer valid? Why not?
- Which people or sources can I use in order to obtain new information
concerning my assumptions?
- How am I showing that I understand other people's cultures, abilities, and
- Become involved in the community.
- Volunteer.
- Join clubs and organizations.
- Sit on community boards.
- Participate in local events.
- Get to know some of your neighbours.
- One way to understand the effects of the laws and regulations in your
community is to learn about the bylaws.
- Are there smoking bylaws or noise bylaws in your community?
- How do they affect you and your family?
- How can you get a bylaw changed if you feel it is unfair?
- How can you advocate for a new bylaw if you feel it is needed?
- Be more assertive in your community.
- Ask to exchange a shirt at the store.
- Ask for an interview with your child's teacher.
- State an opinion at a town meeting.
- Vote on a town bylaw.
- Identify yourself as a speaker at a band council meeting.
- Participate in a healing circle.