reflect and interpret
Generic Skills for Adult Basic Education
Lifelong Learning (LL) Communications (C) Numeracy (N)
Reflect upon and interpret your own learning style. Recognize areas of strength and areas for further development. Reflect on and interpret your own thoughts and feelings, and express these to others. Reflect upon and interpret the ways in which numbers are used in your daily life.
Work independently. Read with under-standing and interpret information in various formats. Analyze and interpret numerical data.
Establish learning goals, monitor progress, and adjust strategies as necessary. Present information in a variety of ways. Present information in a variety of forms.
Identify a variety of learning strategies appropriate to the task and the context (work, home, and school). Speak so that others can understand. Observe and record data accurately, using appropriate methods, tools, and technologies.
Plan and manage time, money, and other resources to achieve learning goals. Listen actively. Use numerical data to argue and present a point.
Plan and carry out multiple tasks. Take responsibility for assuring work quality and results. Continue to develop personal communication skills. Apply numerical skills in a variety of contexts and for a variety of purposes.
Advocate for yourself. Apply communication skills in a variety of contexts and for a variety of purposes.