Theme Unit Plan

Learners' experience:
Theme topic:
Inclusive practices:
Learning activities and outcomes:
Learning Activities Levels 1 and/or 2 Learning Outcomes Demonstrated During the Learning Activities
Talking about the issue:
  • Using the talking circle, give all participants a chance to speak about their own and their children's experiences with bullying.
  • When the talking circle is over, it is time for participants to respond to each other and ask questions.
  • As a class, define bullying and identify bullying behaviours.
Speaking Level 1

Learners will speak in conversation, discussion, or small groups in familiar situations for practical purposes.

Interpersonal Skills

Learners will increase self-knowledge for personal empowerment.

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Return to note 2 The talking circle is an effective way to ensure that everyone has a chance to speak. Facilitators should be knowledgeable about talking circles before using them. The talking circle should also be introduced carefully to the group before it is used, to ensure that each person understands the purpose of the circle and is able to respect the process. The process is as follows. The group members sit in a circle, facing each other. Someone volunteers to speak first and is given an object to signify that only he or she may speak. Some talking circles have used a stone or a feather as the object; the class will need to agree on an object that has meaning for its members. When each person is done speaking, he or she passes the object to the next person in a clockwise order. That person may choose to speak or pass the object on. This continues until everyone in the circle has had a chance to speak, including the people who may have passed the first time they held the object.