Learning Activities Levels 1 and/or 2 Learning Outcomes Demonstrated During the Learning Activities
Writing about the issues using the language experience approach:
  • Use the stronger writers in class to write down a language experience story that the weaker writers dictate to them concerning the theme. The people speaking could either repeat what they have said during the talking circle or say something different.
  • The language experience stories could be shared between learners as a way to strengthen reading skills. For those learners with few reading skills, the language experience stories could be used to develop sight words and learn word patterns. For learners with more advanced reading and writing skills, the language experience stories could be edited for meaning, spelling, punctuation, and grammar.
Writing Level 1

Learners will demonstrate knowledge of the writing process and write an effective sentence or paragraph to improve critical thinking skills. Learners will write sentences, a paragraph, and simple documents for practical purposes.

Writing Level 2

Learners will demonstrate knowledge of the writing process and write effective paragraphs to share with others. Learners will write long paragraphs and more complex documents for practical purposes.

Speaking Level 1

Learners will share or present information in familiar situations in order to practise public discussion.

Interpersonal Skills

Learners will demonstrate co-operation and teamwork skills for social skills development.