Learning Activities Levels 1 and/or 2 Learning Outcomes Demonstrated During the Learning Activities
Interviewing others based on the theme:
  • Learners create a brief questionnaire about bullying to ask others in their family, community and especially the children who are affected by bullying in their own homes.
  • The questionnaire should be short, only a few questions, so learners who cannot read or write well can memorize what questions to ask.
  • For those learners who can write at Levels 2 and 3, the questions and the answers they receive could be written down.
  • In class, discuss the most polite and effective ways to ask others if they will consent to being interviewed, and to thank them when the interview is over.
  • In class, discuss listening skills that are needed to be a good interviewer and practise interviewing each other.
  • Learners spend a week interviewing different people concerning the theme. Learners who have lower level writing skills could tape record people they interview (with their permission) or could repeat what they have heard onto an audio tape after the interview is over.
  • These audio tapes could be transcribed into a computer word processor for those learners wishing to improve their computer skills.
  • Learners can also use journals to keep track of their opinions concerning bullying and to reflect on what others have told them about bullying during the interviews.
Speaking Level 2

Learners will speak in conversation, discussion, or small groups in new situations for practical purposes.

Writing Level 1:

Learners will write sentences, a paragraph, and simple documents for practical purposes.

Writing Level 2

Learners will increase knowledge of the foundations of writing to improve critical thinking skills and writing fluency.

Listening Level 1

Learners will demonstrate active listening behaviours.

Listening Level 2

Learners will listen with understanding to long messages for personal enrichment, practical purposes, and social skills development.

Learners will demonstrate that listening is an active process of constructing meaning.

Learners will listen with empathy in order to improve daily interactions.

Lifelong Learning:

Learners will use technology to communicate and find information for daily interactions and applications.