Learning Activities Levels 1 and/or 2 Learning the Outcomes Demonstrated During Learning Activities
Improving communication:
  • Staff members make a wish list of workplace words, and brainstorm for synonyms that are easier to understand in English.
  • English-as-a-Second-Language (ESL) staff members give feedback as to which words are actually easier to understand and which are not.
  • Staff members agree to use the simpler words on the prep line when it is very busy in the restaurant, but to use the other more difficult synonyms during slower times. Using the more difficult words will help ESL staff members to increase their vocabulary.
  • Staff members brainstorm a list of practices that they can use to make sure ESL staff : members understand what is said, such as –
    • asking polite questions (e.g., Would you like me to repeat what I just said?)
    • paraphrasing or restating in simpler words what has just been said
    • asking ESL staff to repeat back or paraphrase an instruction that has just been given
  • Staff members decide to use the talking circle to discuss problems or concerns during staff meetings, so that all employees will have a chance to speak about the issues if they wish.
  • A recent problem has been scheduling. There are various religious holidays throughout the year that do not fall within traditional "Canadian" statutory holidays. The staff members want to be able to take holidays in accordance with their own spiritual beliefs.
Reading Level 1

Learners will demonstrate reading readiness skills.

Learners will demonstrate knowledge of the foundations of reading.

Speaking Level 1

Learners will speak in conversation, discussion, or small groups in familiar situations for practical purposes.

Learners will share or present information in familiar situations in order to practise public discussion.

Listening Level 1

Learners will demonstrate active listening behaviours.

Listening Level 2

Learners will demonstrate that listening is an active process of constructing meaning.

Learners will listen with empathy in order to improve daily interactions.

Lifelong Learning

Learners will direct their own learning for personal empowerment and career development.

Learners will demonstrate critical and creative thinking strategies to solve problems and make decisions.

Interpersonal Skills

Learners will increase self-knowledge for personal empowerment.

Learners will develop awareness of and respect for diversity for personal enrichment and social skills development.

Learners will demonstrate co-operation and teamwork skills for social skills development and career opportunities.