The following Communications and Numeracy skills and goals checklists are meant to help facilitators and learners discover what skills the learners already have and what skills they would like to develop. The checklists can also be used to keep track of skills that learners develop over time. It is helpful to put the date for mastering each skill in the "yes" column, and to specify representative examples in the "portfolio item" column.

Not all of the skills for Communications and Numeracy are included in these checklists. The lists are not exhaustive, and the skills are not given in progressive order. The lists are meant to provide a snapshot of the skills that a learner will need to reach Levels 1 and 2, without prescribing in what order these skills should be accomplished.

Communications and Numeracy Skills and Goals Checklists

These checklists are examples only. Please adapt the contents to suit the contexts of individual learners and your organization.

Observing and Viewing Skills and Goals Checklist
Learner is able to ... Yes No Would like to learn Portfolio item that shows mastery of this skill
Level 1 Observing and Viewing Skills and Goals:
describe different visual formats (e.g., cartoons, billboards, posters, videos, brochures, television).
identify the message (what is being communicated) of various visual formats.
identify the audience to whom a message is directed.
apply what is already known to help in viewing and understanding.
participate in observation, including asking questions and doing.
observe without speaking or asking questions, when appropriate.
describe what is communicated by body language, gesture and voice tone, volume and pace.
learn how to do something by carefully observing someone else do it.
Level 2 - Observing and Viewing Skills and Goals:
understand the main message of a visual text.
ask critical questions about the message.
form an opinion about what is viewed or observed.
view or observe for pleasure.