use the computer to write lists or sentences. |
use the computer for personal email. |
use prior knowledge and experiences when writing. |
use familiar and some new vocabulary in writing. |
get ideas for writing by using brainstorming or free writing. |
write a series of complete sentences related to a
single topic or idea. |
write a first draft. |
edit a first draft for spelling, punctuation, and capitalization. |
Level 2 Writing Skills and Goals: |
use an intermediate dictionary and glossary to find definitions and to
confirm spelling. |
use a thesaurus. |
use syllabication to attempt to spell unfamiliar words. |
use a dictionary to confirm the spelling of words. |
identify the elements of an effective paragraph. |
identify, write, and punctuate short paragraphs including expository (telling),
narrative (story), and descriptive paragraphs. |
write and/or draw multi-step directions. |
write about an event in time order sequence. |