- Numeracy -
- includes knowledge of mathematics, but goes beyond that to include problem-
solving or reasoning skills and oral discussion about numeracy skills. According to
Tout and Schmitt (2002), "Numerate behaviour is using mathematical and literacy
knowledge, ideas and problem-solving skills to manage a situation or solve a problem
in a real context (p. 156)."
Tout, D., & Schmitt, M. J. (2002). The inclusion of numeracy in adult basic education.
Annual Review of Adult Learning and Literacy, 3, 152-202.
- Observing -
- refers, for the purposes of this document, to the active process of watching to
learn, to do, and to understand.
- Phonics -
- is a method of teaching learners how to read and pronounce words by connecting
sounds with letters.
- Process Portfolio -
- is a developmental record of what is being learned. Learners add items
on an ongoing basis. A process portfolio contains work done by the learner and
supporting evidence from other sources such as an instructor, educational institution,
or assessments made by peers, family, or friends.
- Product Portfolio -
- is a summative record of what has been learned. Learners select items
for a specific purpose. A product portfolio contains items that prove a learner has
reached a specific educational or non-educational goal. Learners choose items from
the process portfolio for inclusion in the product portfolio.
- Representing -
- refers, for the purposes of this document, to demonstrating a skill learned
through a variety of means (e.g., singing, dancing, mime, puppetry, giving a speech,
showing someone how to do something, writing in a journal).
- is the acronym for the Saskatchewan Institute of Applied Science and Technology.
- Transactional perspective of learning -
- refers to meaning that is made by articulating
prior knowledge and connecting it to new information. Learners take responsibility
for their own learning by forming their own questions. The intent is for adults to
become independent learners who are aware of their own thought processes.
Learners and facilitators are seen as collaborators on the learning journey.
- Transformational perspective of learning -
- focuses on personal and social change. Adult
learners and facilitators are encouraged to reflect on their own thoughts and opinions
by learning about other points of view. The intent is for learners and facilitators to
use this knowledge to create change outside the classroom or tutoring setting.
- Viewing -
- refers, for the purposes of this document, to receiving a prepared message
through an audio-visual (e.g., television, film, video) or print (e.g., newspaper, book,
photograph) medium.