- Saskatchewan Literacy Network. (2000). Level 1 tutor training kit. Regina, SK: Author.
Available from Author, http://www.sk.literacy.ca
Note: The Level 1 indicated in the title refers to the level of training for practitioners. It
does not represent or refer to Level 1 Benchmarks.
This kit is for those teaching adult literacy learners with English as their first language. It
covers such topics as:
- Learning styles
- Assessment
- Goal-setting
- Lesson planning
- Learning disabilities
- Strategies used to teach reading and reading comprehension
- Strategies used to teach writing
- Saskatchewan Literacy Network. (2001). Learner centred intake and assessment processes for literacy
programs in Saskatchewan. Saskatoon, SK: Author. Available from Author,
This resource focuses on portfolio assessment. It describes potential intake, ongoing,
and exit assessments for literacy program learners. Various assessment tools are
included such as checklists, inventories, self-assessment charts, goal sheets, and
suggested assessment interview questions. Most of the tools focus on
Communications and Numeracy, but some are on the portfolio assessment approach
itself. There is also a section on learning disabilities with an accompanying screening
questionnaire and at- risk summary checklist.
- Saskatchewan Literacy Network. (2001). Learning how to learn. Level 2 tutor training kit.
Saskatoon, SK: Author. Available from Author, http://www.sk.literacy.ca
This kit contains information on the following:
- learning and learning styles
- principles of effective learning
- meta cognition
- reading, listening, and note-taking skills
- time management
- memory, studying, and test-taking skills
The kit can be used in its entirety as a six-hour training workshop, or sections can
stand alone to help trainers focus on specific needs.
- Saskatchewan Literacy Network. (2001). Saskatchewan level 2 numeracy kit. Regina, SK: Author.
Available from Author, http://www.sk.literacy.ca
Note: The "level 2" indicated in the title refers to the level of training for practitioners. It
does not represent or refer to Level 2 Benchmarks.
This resource contains teaching strategies for the following Numeracy topics:
- numbers and number sense
- fractions, decimals, and percentages
- understanding data
- measurement, spatial sense, geometry
- algebra