Examples of applying this learning outcome outside the learning environment:
Family Community Work
Take your family for a nature walk. Then write in a journal the things that each of you saw, smelled, tasted, touched, or heard. You may want to polish this piece of writing as a keepsake for your children. Write a draft of an advertisement for the local newspaper looking for a roommate or tenant. Bring it to the newspaper and ask for a demonstration of how to format it for the classified section. If you need a minor scheduling change, ask a co-worker for advice about how to format a memo to your boss asking for permission to exchange shifts. Ask the co-worker to look over the document once you have finished it and comment on how you have done.

Learning Outcome #3

Learners will write long paragraphs and more complex documents for practical purposes.

Knowledge and skills set:
Examples of applying this learning outcome outside the learning environment:
Family Community Work
Write some multi-step directions about something you are very familiar with (e.g., beading, knitting, building birdhouses, smoking fish, carving). Share this writing with others in your home as you teach them these skills. Fill out the parts of a voter registration form that you are able to complete on your own. Ask for help with the sections you are unsure about. Keep a daily log that describes which work tasks you have completed and how long it took to complete each task.