Learning Outcome #4
Learners will write long paragraphs for self-expression.
Knowledge and skills set:
- Write ideas and understandings clearly in your own words in response to a
variety of materials (e.g., a film, a television show, a memo from work).
- Write about an event in time-order sequence.
- Select descriptive language and common figures of speech (e.g., simile,
metaphor, personification) to include in your own writing.
- Reflect on your own writing and write positive comments about your writing in a
- Represent learning in various forms as a means of expressing the creative
writing process (e.g., create sculpture, sketches, drawings, paintings).
- Add illustrations, graphs, or maps to enhance your written work.
Examples of applying this learning outcome outside the learning environment:
Family |
Community |
Work |
Write a children's book that tells a family story. |
Write to share information about something special in the community (e.g., the
best fishing spots or which restaurant makes the best food). |
Write about how elements of your culture have affected your employment
experiences. |
Tips for Instruction
Show your writing drafts to other students, friends, and family members. The
"messiness" of crossing out, writing between the lines, and cutting and pasting shows critical
thinking and will make others feel more confident about their own writing processes.