Suggested Resources
- Adult Learning and Literacy. (2002a). Record of achievement manual: Certificate in literacy and
learning stage 1. Winnipeg, MB: Manitoba Education, Training, and Youth.
- Adult Learning and Literacy. (2002b). Record of achievement manual: Certificate in literacy and
learning stage 2. Winnipeg, MB: Manitoba Education, Training, and Youth.
- Adult Learning and Literacy. (2002c). Record of achievement manual: Certificate in literacy and
learning stage 3. Winnipeg, MB: Manitoba Education, Training, and Youth.
- Akiwenzie-Damm, K. & Halonen, D. (1997). Empowering the spirit: Native literacy curriculum.
Owen Sound, ON: Ningwakwe Clearing House.
- ARIS, Language Australia. (2001, January). Certificates in General Education for Adults. Available
from Australian Government, Department of Education, Science, and Training,
- Bow Valley College. (2001). Building workplace essential skills workbook: Instructor's guide. Calgary,
AB: Author.
- Conference Board of Canada. (2006). Employability skills 2000+. Ottawa, ON: Author.
Retrieved August 28, 2006, from
- Equipped for the Future. (2002, Spring). Equipped for the Future Hot Topics,2(1). Retrieved
August 18, 2006, from
- Evetts, Julian. (1996). Document literacy: A guide for workplace educators and instructors. Burnaby,
BC: BC Construction Industry Skills Improvement Council.
- Fretz, B., & Paul, M. Learning together: A small group literacy tutor trainer handbook. Waterloo,
ON: Core Literacy Waterloo Region.
- Grecki, S., & Whincup, S. (2003). Writing at work. Burnaby, BC: BC Construction Industry
Skills Improvement Council.
- Hope, A., & Timmel, S. (1995). Training for transformation. Zimbabwe: Mambo Press.
- Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (2005, June 10). Essential skills [Database].
Retrieved August 4, 2006, from