Tips for Instruction

  1. Learning styles are the ways in which learners most effectively take in, store, and recall what they learn. There are many learning style models in existence. Most are readily accessible on the Internet and some have questionnaires that allow individuals to assess their learning style online. Type the words "learning styles" into any search engine and you will find a wide variety of models and tools. Two of the most popular models are VAKT: Visual (learn by seeing), Auditory (learn by hearing), Kinesthetic (learn by doing), Tactile (learn by touching), and Howard Gardner's Multiple Intelligences.
  2. Learning strategies are particular activities used to deliver content or teach a skill. For example, using a sight word approach is one way of helping learners develop word recognition and phonics skills.
  3. Choose the problem-solving process that is most appropriate for the individual and the community in which you live. There are numerous problem- solving models online and in Life Skills curricula. Seek local experts or Elders who can give you advice on which models might be most useful to the learners.