Interpersonal Skills
Levels 1 and 2
Benchmark: Enhance self-reflection and engage in positive
relations with others.
Suggestions for Portfolio Development
- songwriting samples
- pieces of artwork
- journal entry about a family tradition
- videotape of learning a dance step
- letter of complaint about a defective car battery
- list of volunteer activities
- record of late times for work or school in a month, and plans in place to avoid
being late in the future
- reflective personal notes written during a discussion at a meeting
Learning Outcome #1
Learners will increase self-knowledge for personal empowerment.
Knowledge and skills set:
- Identify choices for living a healthy balanced life. [See instruction tip #1.]
- Continue to enhance self-esteem. [See instruction tip #2.]
- Identify your personal gifts and achievements.
- Identify your personal interests and style. [See instruction tip #3.]
- Identify your personal challenges, limitations, or weaknesses.
- Seek help from family, friends, and the community to assist in facing your
personal challenges, limitations, or weaknesses.
- Identify and develop the appropriate behaviours to be a role model.
- Identify changes in your personal, family, and career goals over time.
- Reflect on changes in your personal, family, and career goals.
- Learn strategies to heal the self (e.g., participating in a sweat lodge, speaking
with Elders, joining a support group, seeking counselling, smudging).
- Enhance your parenting, life, and work skills. [See instruction tip #4.]
- Keep a personal, self-reflective journal.