Examples of applying this learning outcome outside the learning environment:
Family Community Work
Join community clubs or activities with your family. Inquire about a sweat lodge or smudging ceremony in your community. Ask your co-workers if they would be interested in exercising with you over the lunch break. Then make plans to engage in some type of physical activity three times a week (eg. go for a walk).

Learning Outcome #2

Learners will develop awareness of and respect for diversity for personal enrichment and social skills development.

Knowledge and skills set:
Examples of applying this learning outcome outside the learning environment:
Family Community Work
Talk about positive aspects of your culture and other cultures with your children. Observe which buildings in your community have ramps for wheelchair users and which do not. If possible, use a wheelchair for part of a day to feel what living in a wheelchair might be like. Ask a co-worker about his or her cultural background. Then use websites and encyclopedias to gather more information. Ask your co-worker about the accuracy of this information.