
This tool kit project would not have been possible without the valuable contribution of several government departments and agencies. We would like first to thank Marie Cocking and Elissa Tilley of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, Martin Dubé and Michel Couture of Canada Customs and Revenue Agency, Michel Gauthier, Doug Taylor and Yves St-Onge of Human Resources Development Canada, Denyse Dufresne of Industry Canada, Heidi Liepold, Lianne Vardy, Yvette Souque and James MacLaren of the National Literacy Secretariat, as well as Jean Pignal of Statistics Canada.

We additionally benefitted from the expertise of several representatives from literacy organizations, namely Charles Ramsey and Rachel Clair of the National Adult Literacy Database, Sally McBeth of Clear Language and Design, Luce Lapierre and Diane Pouliot of the Fédération canadienne pour l’alphabétisation en français and Wendy Desbrisay of the Movement for Canadian Literacy.

We would also like to express our gratitude to Céline Beaudet and her colleagues, Lucie Pépin, Patricia Lord and Jeannine de l’Étoile, of the Université de Sherbrooke. Our thanks also go out to Albert Boulet of the Université du Québec en Outaouais. Grégoire Gollin of Créatec, and Joanne Ward-Jerrett of The East Coast Reader were also involved with this project. We particularly want to thank Julian Evetts for his work on evaluation tools.

Lastly, we would like to thank the entire Communication Canada team, particularly the Communications Branch, Community Relations Branch, and Research Branch. It is also important to highlight the contributions of a number of consultants who put a great deal of effort into preparing this document: Nadièle St-Pierre, Amélie Chrétien, Sarah Hubbard and Franceska Gnarowski.