Public Relations - Write-ups and photos in the local papers, The County Weekly News, and The Times, provided us with opportunities to promote our Trails to Literacy project and 'show off' our signs that have been adopted by the Prince Edward Millennium Trail. The positive coverage of such a worthwhile project, from these publications, was a boost in endorsing the clear-cut benefits to the community, as well as to the participants.

We will most definitely continue the project. We have accessed funds from the National Child Tax Benefit program and from the joint Trillium Grant to sustain the project for at least another year. This project will be the base on which to build our participatory and workforce programming.

a man at work

"I wanted to give something back to the County. People now have a great place to ride bikes, walk, jog, and see nature along the way."

Trails participants
a man overseeing a work display