a bridge

We have encouraged a type of participatory learning in our program for a long time. Because we believe strongly that participatory learning is an ideal approach for adult learners, we will continue to use it, not only with ongoing Trails to Literacy projects, but also in our other programs. Learners in our computer-based communications classes have prepared a class newsletter, a brochure for a local historical society, agendas for meetings, posters, notices for the classrooms, and invitations to special events. One tight-knit group in a very small community has begun to research the Trillium program with the idea that they might submit a proposal for a playground in their community. That particular group was not involved with Trails to Literacy , but their instructor knew about it and was encouraged to use its methods.

a river front house

We are excited about the Trails to Literacy approach because it fits so precisely with everything we know about principles of learning, especially adult education.