How to conduct a brainstorming session:

  1. Review the guidelines and these steps for brainstorming.
  2. Make it clear what the objective of the brainstorming is. Make sure everyone understands and is satisfied with the question before you open up for ideas.
  3. Give everyone a few seconds to jot down a few ideas before getting started.
  4. Members shout out ideas (Optional: Begin by going around the table or room, giving everyone a chance to voice his/her ideas or to pass. After a few rounds, open the floor. )
  5. More ideas are better. Encourage wild ideas and piggybacking upon others’ ideas.
  6. Each idea is recorded exactly as presented on a flip chart. Don’t judge or comment on ideas – neither good nor bad.
  7. Record exactly what is said. Go back to make ideas clear only after everyone is out of ideas.
  8. Don't stop until ideas stop. Allow for late-coming ideas.
  9. After all ideas have been presented, the team makes the list clear by discussing the ideas to ensure that everyone has the same understanding of each idea. Duplications are also eliminated in this step along with ideas that arena’t appropriate.