I want to continue to enjoy my exercises and continue with my yoga in the library at Bathurst and Lawrence. I want to walk in the open air to Yonge and Eglinton. I want to go to the bank, drug store and grocery shopping then talk to my friends outside.
Beatrice is my support worker and I want to help her clean my apartment, grocery shop and go out for coffee or dinner with her.
I would like to be healthy, which is why I do my yoga exercises. I have to diet all my life and Beatrice and my mom and dad are helping me. I just lost five pounds.
I like to give clothes to Goodwill and Crippled Civilians. As well, I give money to the Reena Foundation, which helps people to get jobs and have a better life.
I hope to live in the same apartment and not have to move because I am very comfortable there.