(original, reprinted with permission)
from a brochure How to be a Good Worker (pictures omitted; original font reduced)
- Be on time for work.
- Come back from lunch on time.
- Do not hang about in the washroom.
- Do not stop until your work-time ends.
- Phone your boss if you cannot go to work.
- Phone at least 30 minutes before your work starts and say why you cannot work.
A bad day
It is not OK to skip work because you slept in, or missed the bus or just wanted to do
something else.
When to stay home from work
- It is OK to stay home if you are very sick.
- It is OK to stay home if someone in your family has just died.
- It is OK to stay home if there is a big snow storm.
Stay clean and neat
- Wear clean clothes. They should not smell, look dirty, or have holes. Sometimes
you will get clothes at work, so you look like other workers there.
- Wash yourself every day.
- Keep your hair clean and tidy.
- Brush your teeth every day.
- Keep your finger-nails clean.
- If you are a man, shave or keep your face-hair very clean.
- Listen to what the boss tells you to do.
- Tell the boss when you do not understand.
- Ask for help when you need it.
- If you did not hear, ask for things to be said again.
- Listen if your boss tells you ways to be a better worker.
Other workers
- Do your best.
- Try to work well with others.
- Let them get on with their work.
- Ask before you use people’s things—do not just take them.
- Be polite—say please, thank you, and excuse me.
- Do not swear at anyone.
- Do not stand really close to others.
- Do not touch others, unless you need to for your job.
- Do not talk too much about sex or tell jokes that put people down.
- Do not steal things from work.
- If you feel upset about something, talk to someone you trust at work.
- If you get angry, do not shout and do not hit anyone. Take a break, and calm
down. Then talk to your boss about the problems that made you angry.
These tips will help you be a good worker.
[Flesch-Kincaid reading level = 2]