And the Winner is...!
A hearty congratulations goes out to J.R. Dubrett, winner of the first PLKS Scholarship! J.R. first came to PLKS in April 2003 because she was experiencing difficulty reading the materials in a parenting course she was taking. Because she had to leave school early in order to go to work, J.R.’s reading skills needed improving. She and her tutor, Barb Smuland, have worked hard on reading as well as spelling and writing. One of the most significant spinoffs of her tutoring program has been J.R.’s enhanced ability to affect her children’s literacy skills; JR understands that strong reading skills are the cornerstone of a good education so she reads daily to her children. As a young mom of 3 children under the age of 5, J.R’s goal is to “make a better life for myself and my three children.” Her first step is to obtain her high school credentials so she can attend Nicola Valley Institute of Technology in Merritt to obtain a Degree in Social Work. She plans to use her scholarship money to travel to Merritt for an interview at NVIT. We congratulate J.R. on her hard work and wish her continued success! The funds for J.R.’s scholarship came from the sales of calendars last fall. The fund-raising committee’s next campaign has been launched! Rob MacFarlane’s gorgeous artwork featured in the calendars now grace a series of notecards which will be sold at art shops throughout Kelowna as well as through the office. The funds raised by the sale of the cards will directly benefit learners who are having difficulties providing for their basic needs, and are thus unable to fully access the services of Project Literacy or go further in their education and career. Rob MacFarlane, who was a former learner, and now sits on the PLKS Board of Directors, is thrilled to see his art work making a difference in the lives of learners. Enclosed in the newsletter is an order form so you can have your cards sent directly to your house!