Funded by the
NS Department
of Education
Initiative, BSLN is
one of 27
Networks that
offer adult
literacy programs
to students in

BSLN Board

Ethel Cunningham

Peter Nash

Legal Advisor
Joshua Judah

Sheila Keizer

Members at Large

Doreen Harris
Ray Fernandes

BSLN Staff

Network Director
Denise Morley

Avril Lewis

EASE Project
Valerie Getson

Karen Harding
Rosemary Jost

Technical Support
Allen White

The Leaf

Newsletter of the Bedford Sackville Literacy Network • Winter 2004

Message from Denise Morley, Network Director

Happy New Year and Happy Anniversary to everyone at BSLN!

2004 marks the 10th year of service at this community learning network, and I think it is a perfect time to reflect upon all the learning and growth that has taken place over the years. One of the greatest stengths of this organization is the combination of experience and new energy we have in our staff, volunteers and learners. Board Members such as Ethel Cunningham and Sheila Keizer have been involved with BSLN almost since it’s beginning, while new staff such as Valerie Getson and Rosemary Jost provide much-appreciated enthusiam and ideas to our programs. In my experience with BSLN, I have been continuously impressed with the high level of skill and dedication shown by all those who work or volunteer as instructors, tutors and Board Members. The level of support we receive from partners such as the NS Departments of Education & Community Services, Literacy Nova Scotia, and most importantly of all, our hard-working learners, clearly shows that we are acommunity-based network with much to be proud of. From helping our students in writing their very first letter to achieving their GED, I am pleased with every success and all that we have learned together.

photo of Sandy Martell with Ethel Cunningham, Denise Morley, Carole Poirier,  Rosemary Jost and Karen Harding

Sandy Martell celebrates at the annual BSLN Winter Party with (from left) Ethel Cunningham, Denise Morley, Carole Poirier, Rosemary Jost and Karen Harding

Do you have experience iwith non-profit boards? If you are interested in participating in the BSLN Board or being involved in a subcommittee such as fundraising, call the BSLN office at 869-3838 to find out more about upcoming meetings. We would love to have your help!

Mission Statement

graphic: BSLN -  Growing Together

The Bedford Sackville Literacy Network is committed to addressing adult learning needs by providing learner-centered, results-oriented services through one-to-one tutoring or small group study.

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