Literacy Foundation
All rights reserved.

ISBN 0-9699159-3-4

ABC CANADA supports the development of an educated, flexible, and fulfilled workforce through fostering lifelong learning. ABC CANADA raises awareness of literacy issues, encourages workplace literacy programs, represents the private sector in public policy relating to basic skills, and supports local literacy organizations across Canada.

Editing and design by D. Linzey
Printing by Grattonworks

The two figures used are adapted, with permission, from "The Learning Spiral" in Educating for a Change
(Arnold et al., 1991).

Readers are welcome to copy and use the Checklist and Summary pages in this book. Please ensure that the copyright line is present and unobscured on all copies.



Mary Ellen Belfiore is a teacher, researcher, curriculum writer, and teacher-trainer in adult basic education, ESL, and workplace education. She is a consultant with the Workplace Education Centre of ABC CANADA. She is the co-author of Teaching English in the Workplace and English at Work: A Tool Kit for Teachers.


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