graphic: illustration representing the four elements of New Literacy Practice development:   Content Basis, Participation in a Community of Practice, Physical Context, and Cultural Context.

Figure 2: Developing new literacy practices

The centre triangle represents the elements of situated learning that the employment preparation program can control and shape. The program can ensure that there is a "content basis" for developing practices. In other words, students and instructors together draw upon the practical knowledge of the student to build a new literacy practice. Perhaps the student knows how to control household finances but now wants to add the ability to do on–line banking, or perhaps the student has the knowledge to do wood–working projects but now wants to use plans and drawings to enhance this knowledge. A content basis suggests the student has a practical level of knowledge of a certain activity but now wants to add literacy knowledge. Would it even be possible to develop a new literacy practice without the practical knowledge base? Within the program's control is its ability to create a course, project, or activity in which the student is actively participating in a community of practice. The coffee shop was an example of such a created setting, albeit on a more complex scale. What if programs were able to bring together 2 to 3 students with a similar interest under the guidance of an expert (another student, volunteer, or instructor) who could help students learn how to read wood–working plans, do on–line banking, or prepare food using recipes?