The grey square that surrounds the triangle in the figure suggests that the direct actions of the program are placed within specific contexts: an unseen context that incorporates cultural issues and power balances; in addition to the seen context or physical setting. This grey area is beyond the direct control of the program. Yes, they can create a physical learning context (like the coffee shop) and have tremendous influence over the cultural dynamics and power balances of that context, but what happens outside the program? The main goal in developing new literacy practices for home, work, and community is to move beyond the program. That means they will be used in environments outside the direct influence of the program: in a store, doctor's office, at work, or at home. Not only is there a learning context, a context that the program shapes, but there is also the context in which the literacy practice is used. To represent this idea, the triangle has been purposely placed within the context box and a dashed line has been used to indicate the context flow from within the program to outside the program. Finally, the new literacy practice has been intentionally placed within the context box and not outside of it. The notion of context is ever–changing and will continually influence a new practice. For example, a separated single mother does learn to do on–line banking but she has been using the computer of her son, who moves out and takes the computer with him. This event would be a change in physical context. A change in cultural context could be her ex–husband's decision to resume control of the finances. Figure 2 is simply a starting point for discussions to help programs develop a literacy–as–practices approach and could evolve significantly as discussions deepen.

Embedded Literacy Development

One approach to the development of practices is a model being developed in the U.K. where a recent action research project focused on documenting approaches to fostering embedded basic skills. "Embedded language, literacy and numeracy (LLN) refers to courses, experiences and activities which develop the learning of these skills in the context of another course, experience or activity" ("Embedded Basic Skills," 2002, p. 3). In other words, literacy is learned within the context of another activity—, similar to the coffee shop, where literacy and numeracy were learned in the context of food preparation. Examples of courses, experiences, and activities include basic skills in photography, financial literacy, and skills for travel and tourism. The goal of the courses is to appeal to a wide variety of adult learning needs and interests while simultaneously incorporating the U.K.'s framework for national literacy and numeracy standards.