Further Research

Further research is needed to understand the literacy and learning practices that occur in various settings. In effect, a tool or an approach for this analysis is needed. If programs were to incorporate a literacy–as–practices approach–which is also known as embedded skills, contextual learning and integrated learning– what would this look like? How would program developers and instructors know that they were in fact emphasizing practices and not skills and tasks? Examples of program development using a practice–based approach are also needed in order to inform others who would like to try the same approach.


In Ontario, there is a structure in place that supports a literacy–as–practices approach, but the current structure lacks the interpretations needed for it to be adopted widely by the field. In fact, in one instance, an attempt to interpret the structure has led to contradictions and confusion. The structure is the guiding framework and accompanying definitions used to describe adult literacy education in the province. A set curriculum for adult literacy education does not exist. Instead, individual training plans that are learner–centred and outcomes–based are developed for students to help them meet their literacy goals at work, at school, in the community, and with their families. While the funder does not prescribe how this should be done, they do stipulate that 60% of students must achieve goals that lead to employment and/or recognized education programs, such as high school (Literacy & Basic Skills Section, Workplace Preparation Branch, Ministry of Training Colleges and Universities, 2000). Progress is monitored, not by standardized tests, but by demonstrations of achievements, and it is left up to the programs to develop these demonstrations. Training plans, goal–setting, outcomes, and demonstrations support a literacy–as–practices approach.

Unfortunately, in an attempt to standardize the delivery of adult literacy education, the funder developed and distributed a document that described literacy development based on an elementary school curriculum. The document placed the development of literacy skills at the fore, and its detailed descriptions have become one of the main ways to view literacy education. In order to suggest alternative ways to view literacy within the existing structure, there is a need for the funder to support the development and dissemination of practice-based approaches that detail what this could look like in programs.