Reflective Journal
I kept a journal throughout the study. It was used to reflect on theoretical
issues, ethical issues, issues of interpretation and analysis, and
practical considerations. The journal also provided a source of data
as I analysed my own experiences as a literacy educator in relation to the research
questions. Below is a sample journal entry that was written during
the data collection phase of the study:
Today I went into the class
to explain the research and ask students for their permission to observe them.
I had been thinking about how to simplify my explanations of the
research process and reduced the ideas to the following points that I quickly scribbled
on a piece of paper: I will join your class to learn about what you
do in the program; I will talk to you and ask a lot of questions about what
you are learning; and I will talk to your teachers about you and ask
them questions about how they help you learn. This helped me to work out the
essential elements of the research questions, which are really based
on the 5W'. What are you learning in the program, in this activity,
in this class, etc.? How are you learning this? Who is
helping you? Why is this important to you? What does it mean for you?
Now I need to ensure that these kinds of questions fit my theoretical framework.
I knew I had to simplify my questions, and for this initial discussion with the
students, I thought I would ask questions based more on my instinctual ideas of
what I'm doing rather than the theory. I must now ensure they match
and make sure that I can filter my theoretically developed questions
through my instinctual interpretations.
Field notes, digital pictures of the physical settings (not the people),
transcriptions and accompanying narratives, documents, and my journal comprised
the data. Once the data were in paper form, it was sorted into labeled folders according
to source (student interviews, instructor interview and follow–up, documents,
observation, and journal) and stored in a cabinet in my home. It was important
not to leave any of the data in my office, the site of the study, in order
to maintain privacy and to serve as another reminder that this data were
not part of the program. Pseudonyms were used in all of the data and real
names were covered if they appeared on the student's documents. There
were approximately 200 pages of student transcripts and narratives, 100 pages
of instructors' transcripts, narratives, and follow–up comments, 10
pages of document notes, 40 pages of observation notes and collected documents,
and 60 pages in a journal. The tapes totaled approximately nine hours of recorded conversation.