Most of the data were collected before doing any formal analysis, although
ongoing informal analysis began the first day in the field, and continued
until the final draft of the thesis was complete. Bogdan and Bilken (1992) recognize
that novice researchers may not be able to engage in concurrent data analysis
and data collection to the extent that data are fully analysed by the time data collection
is finished. Instead, first–time researchers should Once formal analysis began, I followed Creswell's (1998) stages: reading and note–taking, describing, classifying, interpreting, and representing or visualizing the data. I read through all the narratives, the original transcripts, and field notes. As I read, I tried to capture the particular words or phrases that could signify commonalities. I used a pre–assigned coding system (Bogdan & Bilken, 1992) based on the four elements of situated learning: content, context, community of practice, and participation. The pages of data were cut and placed in piles according to the four elements. Data were then read through several times and reassigned until the four elements could be represented in a discrete manner. At times, this seemed to be a very artificial task because the elements often overlapped, and I was forced to capture the people, activities, and relationships in a categorical and unnatural way. Once four discrete data piles were developed, I began writing the analysis and continued to interpret and analyse the data as I wrote the findings chapter of the thesis. |
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