Chapter Four – Findings and Interpretation

The intent of this study was to examine an employment preparation and literacy program using ideas of situated learning and literacy in order to explore the dynamics of literacy and learning within the three distinct settings of the program. Guiding the exploration were the following questions: What does literacy and learning look like in each of the three settings? a) What is the material and knowledge content in each of the settings? b) What are the physical and non–physical aspects of the settings that shape the context for literacy and learning? c) Who are the people and what are the activities that comprise the literacy and learning community of practice in each setting? d) And, how do people participate with each other and the activities in each setting? To answer these questions, an in–depth picture of each of the three settings, guided by the four elements of situated learning—content, context, community of practice, and participation—are presented in this chapter. The backbone of the chapter is the sections that describe each of the program's settings: the classroom, the coffee shop, and the job placements. Within the three major sections are sub–sections that will explore the ways in which content, context, community of practice and participation shape literacy and learning. Following each of the three primary sections is a summary and introductory interpretation of the dynamics that shape literacy and learning within each setting.

Before beginning the in-depth descriptions of the three settings, the students who participated in the study will be introduced through individual profiles. These are followed by a brief history of the development of the employment preparation program. An understanding of the students' educational and employment background, coupled with a brief description of the program, builds a basis from which to connect a situated learning analysis of the program. The past experiences of the students deepen the analysis of the findings. In addition, it is important to trace the employment preparation program's transition from a traditional skills–based literacy education program to a program that incorporates hands-on learning related to employment in order to provide a basis of understanding from which to further develop issues for discussion in the final chapter.