A. Student Profiles
The following profiles focus on how the past educational and employment
experiences of the eight student participants have shaped their goals, motivations
to attend the program, and expectations of the program. A brief demographic
description of each student will also be included. During the student
interviews, when most of the profile information was collected, it became apparent
that similar stories (by no means were these the same stories) were
being told by the students who were newest to the program (Hannah, Marion
and Maritza), the students who had been in literacy programs for four years
or more (Nadine, Stacey and Rouda) and the students with a mild developmental
disability (Tom and Martha). Subsequently, the similar stories have
been presented together to better understand both the shared and distinct experiences of the students.
Hannah was 38 years old at the time of the study and the mother of three
children. She is separated from her husband and depends on social assistance.
She came to Canada in 1990 from Somalia and is now a Canadian Citizen.
When she first arrived in Canada she attended ESL classes, then stopped
when she became pregnant with her third child. While growing up in Somalia,
she attended school regularly and even finished her high school
education, which is not usual for the majority students in the program.
Most students in the employment preparation program have incomplete or modified
(special education) formal education backgrounds.
Hannah is a gentle and deeply spiritual woman who has an innate ability
to deal with daily struggles, anxieties, and tensions that can often become
overwhelming for people. She is able to step back from these day–to–day stressors without
appearing distant or arrogant, and can then quickly assess the intentions
of people and the dynamics of a situation. She is very connected to the world
around her, and views her world with clarity and honesty.