During our interview, Hannah shared many fond memories of her father who helped
her regularly and spent precious time with her as a child. She said her father
was unique because he encouraged her to do well in school just as much as he
encouraged her brothers. She recalled that he walked her to school the first
day she attended at the age of six. He also taught her to write her name, which
she proudly did on her first day of school. He taught her to add and subtract,
and then created tests to help her practice these skills. Hannah described
how her father was also involved in her education in a less direct but equally
influential way. Hannah not only learned reading, writing and math skills from her father
but she also learned a way to model reading behaviours and methods to encourage
her own children's reading habits. As a single mother, she has sole responsibility
for the education of her children and it is a parenting task that she has embraced.
Hannah described in detail the We open the book. Quiet time. My little son we colour or something like that. Always we have quiet time for reading—everybody. At night, I read a story for them before bedtime. My son, four years old, he has some books, Barney or something like that. Every night when he go[es] to bed, he takes his books and then I read for him, but the others, they read by themselves. Hannah left Somalia immediately after high school and lived in Italy with a friend of her family's who helped her find a job as a caregiver with an Italian family. This was Hannah's only paid work experience. She considered returning to school once her oldest child was old enough to attend daycare. She initially attempted to register in an ESL class, thinking this was the only way available to continue her education. The ESL assessors then referred her to the employment preparation program based on the length of time she had been in Canada, her high oral language abilities, and her desire to find part–time work. |
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