Carrie explains the meaning of the word, then she and Farah go to the freezer
to take out a container of frozen cookies. Carrie continues to work with
Farah while Stacey finishes setting up the counter. Carrie tells Farah to
use the tongs to assemble the cookies on the pedestal. Farah looks confused
and says nothing for a moment. She then goes to the shelf and brings over a silver
serving tray on a stand. "This is a pedestal?" she asks hesitantly.
She had remembered how the cookies and muffins were displayed, but never
knew the name of the tray.
During a quiet moment, as Stacey and Farah wait for their first customer,
I ask Farah if she remembers what was in the cupboards. Not once did she
look at the list, but names six out of seven items that are stored in the cupboard
and assembled each day on the counter, including items such as stir stix,
a word she had just learned. Farah then approaches Carrie to ask her what time
the coffee machines should be turned on. Carrie suggests she ask Stacey, and she does.
The learning content of the coffee shop was determined by its function.
In other words, students were learning the procedures to operate a small coffee shop
that was open to the public. The materials for learning were the tools,
equipment, instructions, and supplies that were needed to prepare baked goods and coffee,
serve customers, make money transactions, and maintain supplies. The
knowledge they were gaining, including literacy and numeracy, was directly related
to the functioning of the coffee shop. They were reading instructions to bake,
reading labels to assemble ingredients, deciphering numbers, fractions
and abbreviations related to measurements, counting money to set up a
float, making change for customers, placing orders, tracking inventory, etc.
This knowledge was directly related to the real–life experiences and activities
of operating a coffee shop or similar small business.