8) What incentives, if any, do you use to help retain youth participation?
- food - snacks, coffee etc
- stickers (yes, even with youths and adults)
- flexibility and negotiation re: learning goals
- nurturing and caring attitudes
- money for transportation and emergency needs
- finding youth jobs
- promise of diploma and links to future goals
- see Remarks section re: debate around money as incentive
9) What are your program's identified barriers to youth-at-risk
- both groups decided that this list was the same as the list compiled in
questions 6 and 7
10) What does your organization do to remove or change those barriers?
Does it work?
- increase accessibility of location (this has worked particularly well for the
Tracks Future Cafe program in Collingwood)
- try to cross-refer to other youth agencies to meet needs beyond
one's own program
- contracting as a "holding" tool to increase personal commitment
- outreach work to rural/ isolated youth
- providing transportation (bus or taxi or agency ride)
- providing food - breakfast programs offered non-discriminatorily
- build time into program for feedback/listening sessions
11) How do you reach youth - what has worked/not worked for you in the
past and present?
- Midland Area Reading Council radio campaign, youth script and voices
- personal outreach visits to smaller communities
- flyers in newspapers
- encourage peer referral
- suggest trying Internet advertising, perhaps through "Pal Talk" (chatline)
- reach parent audience through radio, TV, library, newspaper etc
- "piggybacking" outreach onto existing programs, concerts etc.