Curriculum/Interests Questions
12) What learning styles seem predominant with your youth clients?
- Active, visual, hands on, kinesthetic
- need to learn at own pace
- individual assessment and goal setting
13) What youth needs/interests seem most pressing? Any thoughts on how
these needs/interests might translate into learning activities?
- technology, internet, apprenticeship
- employment focus is needed
- look at survival skills, independence ups and downs
- interpersonal skills combined with literacy and numeracy upgrading
- transferable skills
14) What do you think would turn youth off of participating in an upgrading
- program labels (use of "literacy", "school", "life-skills")
- long hours - need breaks every hour
- having to "answer other people's questions in other people's structures"
- location, especially connected with high school.
15) You have contact with youth every day. What seems to be cool/interesting
right now for this group?
- snowboarding, skateboarding
- music (hip-hop, ska, industrial) but not radio
- Internet, EMail chatgroups
- apprenticeship learning
- pagers
16) With a partner, briefly discuss and describe what you think an ideal
youth literacy program would look like/would offer.
(i.e. where would you hold it? how many hours, how many days per week? how
much structure? what types of activities?)
Suggested Locations:
- Recreation Centres, YMCA
- Downtown
- storefront
- mall
- a youth decorated cafe/ coffeehouse with cool colours/ comfy furniture
and lots of technology (computers w/ high speed internet access)
- library