Suggested Timing:
- ask youth to set own times during orientation, within set parameters (ie. -
between 8 a.m.- 8 p.m., 16 -20 hours a week)
- 5 half-days per week, Monday-Friday, alternating classes and co-op
- 4 days per week, Monday-Thursday, 5 hours a day with breaks every hour
- early afternoon, 3-4 hours per day, Monday-Friday
Suggested Structure:
- contract with students at outset to ensure ownership/ commitment
- individual contracts for learning goals, general program contracts
- write contracts with students
- be prepared to follow through with contracts, rules!
- flexibility needs to be place within overall structure - interpersonal and
communication skills can be developed in negotiation of individual
exceptions to general rules, renegotiation of contracts etc.
- build in time for individual feedback sessions weekly
Suggested Activities:
- semi-controlled chat rooms
- multi-media projects (ie mock up of house design)
- self awareness, other and group awareness exercises
- arts based projects - produce a professional portfolio
- co-op or simulated job-related activities
- life skills
- field trips to meet needs and interests
- screenwriting and videotaping
- writing business plans
- active learning, job-shadowing