C) Contact Writing

Brainstorm ways that we can get off track when working towards goals behaviour. life problems, commitment boredom, etc. Introduce contracts as a way of keeping ourselves on track - and discuss differences between self-written contracts and work contracts.

Whole Class Contract

What is our whole class contract going to look like? What rules and regulations should we include? What happens if these get broken/ forgotten?
-write group suggestions on board or flip chart. Keep posted throughout the project. Modify or add to list as necessary, with whole group discussion and agreement about any changes. This process might take some time, but is important for learners to feel ownership over their class, their behaviour, and possible consequences.

Individual Contracts

Students are experts on themselves, given the chance. Have learners make a list of their commitments to the project, potential pitfalls, and consequences. Use the Contract sheet in the Intake Booklet. These contracts, like the goal statements, will be individually reviewed with the instructor. Students will self-evaluate their progress at the end of each week on the reverse of the contract sheet and will sign for receipt of honorarium payments (if applicable).