Photo Fun!

  1. Log on to the internet
  2. Go to
  3. Find “Today' s Picture”, OR look in the “archives”. Choose a photo you like. Print it out.
  4. Choose an activity:

    a) What catches your eye in this photograph?

    Write 3 sentences to describe what you like and why.

    b) What is happening in this photograph?

    Write the “story” in point form.

    c) Are there people in the photograph?

    Use clues in the photograph and your imagination to tell their story.
    Write the story on the computer and print it out.

    d) Write 6 words describing the photograph.

    Use a Word Search sheet to make a word search game with these 6 words.

  5. Staple this sheet, the photograph, and your writing.

    Put it in your portfolio, or display it on the photo gallery “work-board”.