Table 1.6

Comparisons of provinces and territories based on average proficiency
scores, by domain, population 16 to 65, 2003
Confidence interval —
95% upper limit
Confidence interval —
95% lower limit
A. Prose
Yukon 296 (1.8) 299 292
Saskatchewan 294 (2.4) 299 289
Alberta 289 (2.1) 294 285
British Columbia 288 (1.5) 291 285
Nova Scotia 286 (2.0) 290 282
Manitoba 283 (1.8) 287 279
Prince Edward Island 282 (2.8) 287 276
Canada 281 (0.7) 282 279
Northwest Territories 280 (2.3) 285 275
Ontario 279 (1.5) 282 276
Quebec 275 (0.9) 277 273
New Brunswick 273 (2.3) 277 268
Newfoundland and Labrador 271 (2.0) 275 267
Nunavut 232 (2.6) 237 227
B. Document
Saskatchewan 294 (2.7) 300 289
Yukon 294 (2.1) 298 289
Alberta 290 (2.2) 295 286
British Columbia 290 (1.6) 293 287
Nova Scotia 284 (1.9) 288 280
Manitoba 283 (1.6) 286 280
Canada 281 (0.6) 282 279
Prince Edward Island 281 (3.0) 287 275
Northwest Territories 280 (2.2) 284 275
Ontario 279 (1.4) 282 276
Quebec 273 (1.3) 276 271
New Brunswick 270 (2.6) 276 265
Newfoundland and Labrador 269 (2.0) 273 265
Nunavut 234 (3.2) 240 227
C. Numeracy
Saskatchewan 284 (2.5) 289 279
Yukon 283 (2.0) 287 279
Alberta 281 (2.1) 285 277
British Columbia 279 (1.4) 282 277
Canada 272 (0.7) 274 271
Nova Scotia 272 (1.7) 275 268
Manitoba 271 (1.8) 275 268
Ontario 270 (1.5) 273 267
Quebec 269 (1.1) 272 267
Prince Edward Island 269 (2.8) 275 264
Northwest Territories 269 (2.1) 274 265
New Brunswick 262 (2.5) 267 257
Newfoundland and Labrador 259 (2.0) 263 255
Nunavut 220 (3.2) 227 214