Table 3.6 A to D

Average proficiency scores with .95 confidence interval and scores at the 5th, 25th, 75th and 95th
percentiles, by age groups, by Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal, Canada, Manitoba, Saskatchewan,
Yukon Territory, Northwest Territories, and Nunavut, population aged 16 and over, 2003
Age groups 5th
Mean Standard
A. Prose
Non-Aboriginal in Manitoba
16 to 25 211 (17.4) 259 (6.9) 291 (4.0) 326 (6.7) 363 (14.6)
26 to 45 191 (10.8) 262 (6.0) 287 (3.3) 320 (4.3) 361 (7.6)
46 and older 149 (6.2) 224 (3.9) 260 (2.2) 302 (2.3) 345 (6.0)
Urban Aboriginal in Manitoba
16 to 25 185 (12.3) 229 (7.5) 258 (3.8) 287 (7.0) 327 (7.4)
26 to 35 169 (11.6) 232 (6.4) 266 (4.0) 305 (6.3) 345 (5.6)
46 and older 134 (10.0) 199 (8.7) 242 (4.4) 288 (5.2) 340 (9.7)
Non-Aboriginal in Saskatchewan
16 to 25 236E (19.1) 267E (4.3) 295 (5.3) 326E (10.6) 358E (7.7)
26 to 35 228 (26.6) 278 (6.9) 303 (5.0) 330 (3.7) 374 (11.6)
46 and older 154 (10.0) 231 (5.9) 267 (2.8) 310 (4.0) 355 (8.5)
Urban Aboriginal in Saskatchewan
16 to 25 186 (17.4) 227 (6.1) 262 (4.1) 298 (5.7) 348 (12.1)
26 to 35 178 (8.3) 228 (9.0) 263 (4.1) 297 (5.2) 347 (7.1)
46 and older 141 (13.8) 208 (10.7) 239 (4.4) 276 (7.0) 318 (7.3)
16 to 25 207 (4.7) 258 (3.1) 288 (1.6) 321 (3.1) 358 (2.4)
26 to 35 185 (3.2) 257 (1.8) 286 (1.3) 322 (1.5) 363 (2.5)
46 and older 142 (3.3) 214 (2.3) 254 (1.2) 299 (1.8) 346 (1.8)
B. Document
Non-Aboriginal in Manitoba
16 to 25 215 (11.5) 262 (5.2) 294 (3.4) 327 (6.0) 362 (10.1)
26 to 35 192 (9.7) 259 (6.3) 288 (3.4) 320 (4.7) 354 (6.4)
46 and older 147 (8.8) 219 (3.8) 257 (2.2) 300 (3.0) 336 (6.6)
Urban Aboriginal in Manitoba
16 to 25 184 (11.2) 231 (9.8) 260 (4.9) 291 (8.2) 319 (13.1)
26 to 35 172 (6.9) 231 (5.7) 265 (3.8) 301 (6.0) 337 (6.8)
46 and older 132 (12.9) 195 (6.3) 239 (4.8) 285 (8.5) 329 (14.6)
Non-Aboriginal in Saskatchewan
16 to 25 241E (22.7) 273E (9.2) 300 (5.8) 325E (13.9) 357E (18.7)
26 to 35 226 (23.9) 278 (6.9) 304 (4.8) 333 (5.4) 369 (10.2)
46 and older 151 (9.6) 225 (4.6) 262 (2.8) 307 (5.0) 347 (9.6)
Urban Aboriginal in Saskatchewan
16 to 25 189 (12.3) 227 (8.5) 264 (4.9) 299 (7.0) 337 (9.5)
26 to 35 181 (9.3) 229 (5.7) 234 (4.0) 299 (6.2) 335 (7.4)
46 and older 136 (13.4) 202 (8.9) 291 (4.7) 273 (7.2) 310 (12.7)
16 to 25 209 4.3 263 2.4 287 1.6 323 1.6 362 3.2
26 to 35 185 3.7 255 1.5 250 1.2 325 1.4 367 2.6
46 and older 140 2.5 209 1.6   1.2 295 1.6 344 2.1
C. Numeracy
Non-Aboriginal in Manitoba
16 to 25 190 (16.2) 249 (6.3) 281 (3.9) 317 (8.5) 362 (10.1)
26 to 35 180 (11.8) 249 (6.2) 277 (3.6) 312 (4.3) 354 (6.4)
46 and older 144 (7.8) 208 (5.3) 247 (2.0) 288 (4.0) 336 (6.6)
Urban Aboriginal in Manitoba
16 to 25 165 (19.6) 212 (6.0) 246 (5.1) 280 (7.6) 319 (13.1)
26 to 35 151 (10.5) 216 (5.3) 251 (3.6) 289 (5.3) 337 (6.8)
46 and older 119 (11.4) 184 (7.8) 227 (5.4) 275 (5.7) 329 (14.6)
Non-Aboriginal in Saskatchewan
16 to 25 224E (15.6) 259E (9.2) 287 (6.2) 315E (10.1) 357E (18.7)
26 to 35 215 (20.3) 264 (7.2) 293 (5.0) 328 (5.5) 369 (10.2)
46 and older 143 (11.9) 214 (5.0) 255 (3.2) 300 (6.1) 347 (9.6)
Urban Aboriginal in Saskatchewan
16 to 25 161 (16.9) 205 (11.5) 244 (5.5) 282 (4.5) 337 (9.5)
26 to 35 163 (9.3) 209 (6.1) 247 (4.5) 285 (7.3) 335 (7.4)
46 and older 120 (17.6) 186 (10.9) 221 (5.2) 261 (7.1) 310 (12.7)
16 to 25 191 (7.1) 247 (2.2) 280 (2.0) 316 (2.3) 358 (3.4)
26 to 35 178 (2.9) 244 (2.0) 279 (1.1) 319 (1.6) 363 (2.7)
46 and older 134 (2.3) 201 (2.0) 243 (1.2) 288 (1.7) 339 (1.9)