Table 4.6 A to D (concluded)

Percent of labour force population1 at proficiency Level 3 and over, by type of industry,
Canada and regions, population aged 16 to 65, 2003
Level 3
Level 4
% Standard
% Standard
D. Problem solving
Knowledge-intensive market service activities 32.6 (4.5) 7.0 E (3.2)
Public administration, defense, education and health 33.6 (4.3) 8.7 (2.5)
Other community, social and personal servives 24.0 (9.5) x x
High and medium-high-technology manufacturing industries 26.3 (7.5) 10.0 E (8.0)
Low and medium-low-technology manufacturing industries 21.1 (7.3) x x
Utilities and Construction 24.4 (5.7) 3.6 E (2.6)
Wholesale, retail, hotels and restaurants 23.5 (4.0) 4.1 E (1.9)
Transport and storage 16.1 E (9.3) x x
Primary industries 26.8 E (11.6) x x
Knowledge-intensive market service activities 34.6 (4.3) 7.5 (2.7)
Public administration, defense, education and health 36.0 (3.5) 8.5 (1.6)
Other community, social and personal servives 23.0 (4.3) 7.2 E (3.4)
High and medium-high-technology manufacturing industries 22.6 E (7.4) 6.4 (3.8)
Low and medium-low-technology manufacturing industries 23.3 (6.0) 3.1 E (1.8)
Utilities and Construction 26.3 (5.7) 4.1 E (3.4)
Wholesale, retail, hotels and restaurants 26.3 (3.0) 3.0 E (2.1)
Transport and storage 27.2 (8.2) x x
Primary industries 30.7 (5.4) 6.1 E (2.7)
British Columbia
Knowledge-intensive market service activities 42.0 (6.9) 12.2 E (4.6)
Public administration, defense, education and health 45.3 (5.4) 10.2 E (2.2)
Other community, social and personal servives 30.6 E (6.9) 8.9 E (4.0)
High and medium-high-technology manufacturing industries 27.4 E (6.9) x x
Low and medium-low-technology manufacturing industries 25.3 E (7.5) 5.9 E (3.5)
Utilities and Construction 27.4 E (6.9) x x
Wholesale, retail, hotels and restaurants 30.4 (3.8) 4.7 E (2.5)
Transport and storage 26.7 E (10.6) x x
Primary industries 24.1 E (8.7) x x
Knowledge-intensive market service activities 31.0 (5.0) 7.4 E (3.7)
Public administration, defense, education and health 32.0 (2.7) 7.6 (1.3)
Other community, social and personal servives 21.7 E (5.2) 3.5 E (3.2)
High and medium-high-technology manufacturing industries x x x x
Low and medium-low-technology manufacturing industries 22.1 E (16.2) x x
Utilities and Construction 19.0 (5.5) x x
Wholesale, retail, hotels and restaurants 19.6 (3.7) x x
Transport and storage 29.6 E (7.3) x x
Primary industries 17.7 E (8.0) x x
Knowledge-intensive market service activities 32.8 (2.6) 7.4 (1.6)
Public administration, defense, education and health 33.7 (1.4) 9.0 (1.1)
Other community, social and personal servives 25.9 (4.0) 5.0 (1.6)
High and medium-high-technology manufacturing industries 26.5 (4.3) 7.3 (4.8)
Low and medium-low-technology manufacturing industries 20.6 (3.0) 3.5 (1.3)
Utilities and Construction 24.1 (3.4) 3.2 (1.4)
Wholesale, retail, hotels and restaurants 24.9 (1.6) 3.7 (1.0)
Transport and storage 22.1 (5.4) 5.3 (2.2)
Primary industries 24.6 (4.2) 4.1 (1.6)

1. The labour force population is defined as respondents who are either employed or unemployed (looking for work).

E. Use with caution

x. Suppressed to meet the confidentiality requirements of the Statistics Act.

Source: International Adult Literacy and Skills Survey, 2003.