Table 4.11

Active Mode
Passive Mode
Education level % Standard
% Standard
Less than high school 32.8 (2.3) 79.8 (1.7)
High school 53.3 (1.8) 90.1 (1.2)
Post-secondary, non university diploma 56.4 (3.1) 93.4 (1.9)
Post-secondary, university diploma1 80.3 (1.9) 97.1 (0.6)
Less than high school 26.3 (1.8) 80.1 (1.9)
High school 45.2 (2.3) 88.5 (1.5)
Post-secondary, non university diploma 60.8 (3.5) 95.8 (1.4)
Post-secondary, university diploma1 74.5 (1.6) 95.8 (0.6)
Less than high school 33.3 (4.1) 84.1 (2.4)
High school 57.6 (2.3) 91.5 (1.5)
Post-secondary, non university diploma 65.6 (4.5) 94.4 (2.3)
Post-secondary, university diploma1 80.2 (1.6) 97.4 (0.6)
Less than high school 52.5 (2.4) 88.7 (1.8)
High school 67.4 (2.1) 96.5 (0.8)
Post-secondary, non university diploma 77.5 (3.0) 96.6 (1.4)
Post-secondary, university diploma1 83.2 (1.4) 98.5 (0.4)
British Columbia
Less than high school 52.5 (4.3) 91.7 (2.2)
High school 62.6 (3.0) 93.9 (1.3)
Post-secondary, non university diploma 66.7 (4.8) 98.1 (0.9)
Post-secondary, university diploma1 79.8 (1.6) 98.1 (0.6)
Less than high school 42.4 (2.1) 93.0 (1.3)
High school 68.0 (3.5) 97.9 (0.8)
Post-secondary, non university diploma 61.8 (4.2) 96.7 (1.6)
Post-secondary, university diploma1 86.1 (1.6) 98.4 (0.5)
Less than high school 36.8 (1.8) 84.3 (1.1)
High school 56.7 (1.2) 91.8 (0.7)
Post-secondary, non university diploma 65.4 (1.7) 95.6 (0.9)
Post-secondary, university diploma1 79.4 (1.0) 97.3 (0.3)

1. Including technical DEC diploma in Quebec province.

Source: International Adult Literacy and Skills Survey, 2003.

Table 4.12

Percent of population participating in informal learning activities during the year preceding
the interview, by mode of engagement, Canada and regions, population aged 16 to 65, 2003
Total Participation
Active mode
Passive mode
% Standard
% Standard
% Standard
Atlantic 90.9 (0.8) 56.4 (1.1) 90.0 (0.8)
Quebec 91.0 (0.5) 53.8 (1.1) 90.2 (0.5)
Ontario 93.2 (0.7) 63.2 (1.2) 92.8 (0.8)
Prairies 96.2 (0.4) 71.7 (1.0) 95.8 (0.4)
British Columbia 95.8 (0.5) 67.8 (1.7) 95.6 (0.6)
Territories 96.9 (0.4) 65.8 (1.4) 96.5 (0.5)
Canada 93.4 (0.3) 62.4 (0.6) 92.8 (0.3)

Source: International Adult Literacy and Skills Survey, 2003.